Product Library
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    When SafetyServe makes a sale, this is the amount owed to NSC

    From To

    When NSC makes a sale, this is the amount owed to SafetyServe

    From To

    Override the base SKU library settings.
    Leave blank to assume library values.

    When SafetyServe makes a sale, this is the amount owed to NSC

    From To

    When NSC makes a sale, this is the amount owed to SafetyServe

    From To
    1070 company-library-override super-admin Company: Library Override

    This is where you can override default Library settings for the selected company

    Library Override: Overview

    On the left is a list of all the Libraries you have currently overridden, clicking on a table entry will show the library defaults as well as the override values.

    Library Override: Overriding a new Library

    Simply click on the "Add a library" selector above the table and search/select the one you want to override. Click its entry in the table.