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Optional custom fields new users are faced with when creating accounts
Sign-up Fields
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    1150 company-custom-signup-fields super-admin Company: Custom Signup Fields

    Custom Signup Fields are used to collect data when the user signs up for an account.

    Each company has their own set of fields, and can include the collected data on a certificate if wanted.

    Signup Fields: Templates

    There are four prebuilt template fields for convenience. Clicking one will add that field or fields to your custom fields.

    • Date of Birth
    • Drivers License
    • State Dropdown
    • Address Fields

    Signup Fields: Add New Field

    To add a new field, click the + button next to the template buttons in the panel that says "Custom Sign-up Fields"

    The new field is automatically selected and you can start editing it.

    Label on page is what the visible text will be on the signup form

    Field name is used when building reports and output when generating a certificate. If this is a Reference # as included on some certificates, the field name must be "reference_number" or it will not show up in the correct location.

    Field type lets you change the type of input. There are six available types, all with their own settings and options.

    • Text
    • Checkbox
    • Dropdown
    • Phone number
    • Email
    • Date

    Signup Fields: Settings options

    Must be filled in forces a student to fill in the field before they can submit their registration form

    Visible on page can be turned on or off to disable a field but not delete it.

    Contains sensitive data marks the data in the database as sensitive. No business decision has been made for how these should be handled.

    Max length is the maximum number of characters the user is allowed to type enter in the input. Leave blank to not enforce a maximum.

    Min length is the minimum number of characters required before the form can be submitted. Leave blank to not enforce a minimum.

    Numbers only means what it says, check this box to only allow 0-9.

    Alphanumeric limits characters to a-z and 0-9, disallowing special characters.

    Add dropdown option lets you add an option for an input of the dropdown type. The option is only available when Type is set to Dropdown.

    Signup Fields: Default Sign-up Fields

    All default fields are required by a user when signing up for an account.

    However, you can override the text that shows up on the signup website for the fields, for example: Company wants the text "Company Email" instead of "Email".